San Francisco State University alpha Kappa Delta Phi

About Us
Mission Statement
The sisterhood of alpha Kappa Delta Phi provides women with a sense of belonging that nurtures life-long friendships, develops self-empowered leaders, and strengthens communities through service, scholarship, and Asian-Awareness.
Vision Statement
aKDPhi envisions a worldwide network of respected, confident women who elevate each other and their communities through compassionate, purpose-driven leadership that ensures diversity, encourages innovation, and promotes collaboration.
The purpose of this sorority is to promote sisterhood, scholarship, leadership, and Asian Awareness in the University and community, while encouraging the expression of the individual. The sorority is composed of highly motivated women with diverse backgrounds, interests, and fields of study. Each woman, however, shares a strong bond of love, friendship, and sisterhood. With a supportive network of sisters, each woman can strive to fulfill her personal, academic, and career goals.
Our Pillars
The Pre-Associate chapter of alpha Kappa Delta Phi at San Francisco State University aims to provide a sisterhood among innovative women in the promotion of leadership, scholarship, and Asian-awareness. Our sorority dedicates itself to promote these values in both our university and surrounding communities of San Francisco.

As students at San Francisco State University and sisters of alpha Kappa Delta Phi, we chiefly value scholarship on both individual and group levels. In our promotion of scholarship, we will continue to uphold our tradition of rewarding our sisters with the highest GPA in our Pre-Associate chapter; this will provide incentive and positive reinforcement for maintaining academic excellence within our sorority.
Asian Awareness
Our chief goal in promoting Asian-American Awareness is to spread the principle that “Asian” does not encompass only one ethnicity, nor should it be used ubiquitously as an umbrella term for convenience. We want to encourage our Pre-Associate chapter to embrace each sister’s unique background and to encourage open-mindedness in learning about what various customs, traditions, and cultures exist with each ethnic background.

In order to foster leaders within the Pre-Associate chapter of alpha Kappa Delta Phi at San Francisco State University, we will encourage our sisters to occupy officer positions not only within our sorority, but in external organizations as well. Our university houses over 250 different clubs and organizations; having our sisters participate in other organizations will broaden our reach within the university’s community in creating extensive learning opportunities for our sisters’ growth and leadership development.
alpha Kappa Delta Phi strongly believes in the importance of philanthropy. In striving to make a difference, large or small, to as many people as possible, our Pre-Associate chapter will focus on three non-profit philanthropies: Breast Cancer Awareness, Domestic Violence Awareness, and Mental Health Awareness.

Our Philanthropy

Jerrine "L1La Empress" Yance
Alumae Chair
Elsie Francine "kaiikA" Dang Jao
Active House

Makena Malia Miyo "CiiTRINE'LILΔc" Nakaji
Ysabella Therese "Azulla" Castillo
Vice President of Internal Affairs
Annabelle "efferves*cent" Lamountry Chao
Vice President

Jayavan "Apriicity" Carandang Tadas
Vice President of External Affairs
Christine Jade "SOULstaZe" Belenson
Vice President of Service
Kaitlyn "prod.OG.y" Phovixay

Elizabeth "nichib.OG.tsu" Ho
Jacquelin "yu.OG.en" Maerina
Risk Management
Azalea "anniihLiL'atΘr" Qaisi
Parliamentarian & Co-Fundraising Chair

Kinsey "eLiL’ysiΘn" Cardema
Academic & Co-Rush Chair
Jalyn "Aphrodiite" Javier
Co-Rush and Co-Fundraising Chair
Karina "speCial* K" Choy
Sisterhood Chair

Charlyne "kiintsunE" Gabatin
Brianna "Serendiity" Carino
Publicity Chair
Noelani-Jae "SIMPlicity" Angeles
Installs Chair
Rush Information